Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Trauma Survivors

I have suffered from domestic violence. I am a victim of domestic violence.

My wife is a survivor of domestic violence.

Before I met my wife Ishwari, I had never encountered domestic violence or the effects of domestic violence.

The traumas that Ishvari experienced before I met her affected me so much that I am now victimized by domestic violence.

I have absorbed so much of her past trauma that I have become victimized.

It is part of our Guadiya Vaishnava practice to become one in marriage. I have taken on Ishvaris previous karmas with enthusiasm.

Ishvari and I are gradually overcoming the past as we are often doing Ayurvedic Healing Science at home.

It is necessary for us to take time off from stressful activities and immerse ourselves in healing each other as often as we get time.

The future is always good for us as we both have helped each other overcome so much.

From my past there was many bad habits and undesirable character traits that Ishwari has molded and refined into a somewhat better character that I now wear.

Learning sensitivity and gentleness to a greater degree than I ever thought possible is due only to Ishwari and our Guru.

I have been happy absorbing her past trauma. It's Vedic Marriage belief that husband and wife become one body and share this material experience together. The concept of individuality changes with marriage according to Vedic tradition.

We are one. The good and the bad mix. Ishvaris weaknesses I learn how to make into my weaknesses so we can grow together.

Our strengths we absorb jointly as well.

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